Category Archives: Videos


CITISIA 2009 – Presentation Video

Our paper titled “Privacy Enhanced Data Management for an Electronic Identity System” was presented at the Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems & Industrial Applications (CITISIA 2009) at Monash University Sunway Campus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on July 26, 2009.

S. Nimalaprakasan from Project eID presented the paper, and B. A. Malalasena also participated at the event. Here is a small video that we compiled with bits from CITISIA 2009.

Watch this on YouTube

Filed under Videos

The Project eID Documentary

We, the team of Project eID, just made this video documentary to help anyone gain a brief idea about our project. We have included many basic details about our project that could serve as a starting point to anyone who is interested in our project.

Its a 13 minutes video, but we urge you to watch the 13th minute… :)

We would like to thank Dr. Chandana Gamage, our project advisor, for his valuable inputs to this documentary. Also we would like to thank Mr. Thiyagaraja Dinesh for helping us in the making of this documentary.

Filed under Articles, Videos

ICAMES 2009 – Videos

Hi friends,

Here are the videos from the ICAMES 2009, the 15th International Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students, organised by ENSO of Bogaziçi University Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Filed under Videos

ICAMES 2009 – Project Presentations Video

Project Presentations at ICAMES 2009 (The 15th International Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students)

Organized by ENSO, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

Held on May 11th and 12th, 2009

Part 1:

Watch on YouTube

Part 2:

Watch on YouTube

(P.S.: I took a little too long to upload these videos.. :) )

Filed under Videos