Tag Archives: CITISIA

CITISIA 2009 – Presentation Video

Our paper titled “Privacy Enhanced Data Management for an Electronic Identity System” was presented at the Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems & Industrial Applications (CITISIA 2009) at Monash University Sunway Campus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on July 26, 2009.

S. Nimalaprakasan from Project eID presented the paper, and B. A. Malalasena also participated at the event. Here is a small video that we compiled with bits from CITISIA 2009.

Watch this on YouTube

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Our Research Paper on IEEE Xplore

We are glad to tell that our paper titled “Privacy Enhanced Data Management for an Electronic Identity System”, published at CITISIA 2009,Malaysia is now indexed on IEEE Xplore database. If you have the IEEE membership, you can access that research paper in PDF here.

Publication Details:

  • Nimalaprakasan, S.   Ramanan, S.   Malalasena, B.A.   Shayanthan, K.   Gamage, C.   Fernando, M.S.D.
  • Dept. of Comput. Sci. & Eng., Univ. of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
  • This paper appears in: Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems and Industrial Applications, 2009. CITISIA 2009
  • Publication Date: 25-26 July 2009
  • On page(s): 358 – 363
  • Location: Monash
  • ISBN: 978-1-4244-2886-1
  • Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/CITISIA.2009.5224184
  • Current Version Published: 2009-08-28

We would like to thank Dr. Chandana Gamage and Mr. Shantha Fernando, our project supervisors, for their support. We also would like to extend our gratitude to Dr. Arosha Senanayaka and the IEEE Student Branch of Monash Sunway Campus, Malaysia, for organizing CITISIA 2009 and forgiving the opportunity for publishing this paper.

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Successful Completion of CITISIA Presentation & Exhibition

We are glad to inform that we have successfully completed our presentation of the paper titled “Privacy Enhanced Data Management for an Electronic Identity System” at the CITISIA 2009, held at Monash University Sunway Campus, Malaysia.

Also we participated at a project exhibition at the same venue, where we were able to present “Project eID” to a wide range of participants at the conference. Our project idea was well received by many academics and students.

We will post more updates on this with photos (and if possible videos) in the coming weeks.

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Our First Paper Accepted for CITISIA 2009

We have been working on Project eID for more than an year by now. Though we have completed our main project goals, that were targeted as for our final year project we are still continuing to work on couple of research areas related to our project and we will be publishing the outcomes in the near future.

Our research paper titled “Privacy Enhanced Data Management for an Electronic Identity System” that was submitted for the Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems & Industrial Applications (Citisia), Monash University Sunway Campus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was accepted and we will be presenting the paper at the conference in July.

More detail about this paper and other research we are involved will be updated on Project eID Codex. We are currently working on two more papers, that are also related to project eID and we will be posting more updates on those as well.

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