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CC Proposal 1

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Title: Creative Commons Add-in for Updates
Student: Nimalaprakasan Skandhakumar
The Creative Commons Add-in for allows license information to be embedded in Writer, Impress and Calc documents. In addition to embedding the license in the document metadata it provides a visible notice in the document. This project is targeted on updating the current plugin to incorporate code base changes and also to add some new features such as multi-language support and support for Draw.

Project Abstract (1 paragraph, high level overview):

The Creative Commons Add-in for allows license information to be embedded in Writer, Impress and Calc documents. In addition to embedding the license in the document metadata it provides a visible notice in the document. This project is targeted on updating the current plugin to incorporate code base changes and also to add some new features. This would also include upgrading the user interface and providing multi-language support. This update will also enable support for this plugin to be usable in Draw.

Project Details (technical details if available, work plan):

As this project is providing a update for the existing plugin the first task would be to updating the codebase to the latest 3 SDK. This would be of advantage to the plugin as we need to keep up with the latest SDK.

The next update would be to do the updating the existing features. The main update would be with the License selection UI. This could be modified to have mouse over help balloon messages showing the basic meanings of each license selection. This can also be further enhanced to display license information when opening CC licensed documents. This will be helpful in the user perspective.

Internationalization would be the update that I have great love towards in all and with this we will be able to prepare the code for translation. This would include writing scripts to integrate PO files prepared by translators and making the plugin to be available with multi-language support.

OOo Draw is another wonderful software in the OOo suite and one I use very often, and I belive haing the plugin supporting Draw will be benificial to many. Specially it could be handy when the output of Draw are used in website and others.

Also one another addtion to the plugin which many seems to be looking foward is add support for CC0. CC0 is like the “no rights reserved” option license and once the creator or a subsequent owner of a work applies CC0 to a work, the work is no longer his or hers in any meaningful legal sense. The current version of the plugin doesn’t seem to be having this licence and I belive including this also would make the plugin more complete in the CC aspect.

What risks to completion exist and how do you plan to mitigate them?

There are few possible risk factors involved in this project, and I believe I will be able to handle those is a positive manner. One of the important factors would be in moving to OOo 3 SDK, where it might require some existing codebase, but I am certain I can handle this with my perior experience in development. Also the internatiolaization requires making the plugin codebase to support different language specific aspects, and I have had first hand experience in these with my previous involvement in Firefox, and WrodPress localization project.

Also the timeframe would be another concern as this projects has many distict tasks, but I will be able to employ my project management experiences with this to make it doable in desired timeframe.

Have you posted this on cc-devel (mailing list) or #cc (IRC) for feedback?

Yes, I had couple of threads discussing about this with developers on cc-devel, and I was also able to have few chat sessions on #cc where I was able to get some feedback from other developers there.

Why I’m suitable for doing this?

  • Open Source Development Experience
    • – Have been a contibuting developer in the mailing slists and directly invoived in localization project for Tamil language for the past 3 years.
    • Firefox – I have been a Firefox addon developer and worked on many localization related addons such as TamilKey, SinhalaKey and EnTaTip.
    • WordPress – I have been closely involved with WordPress development in the past year, specially providing support and help in the IRC channel and mailing lists.
  • Work/Internship Experience
    • I have 8 months work experience of Internship from October 2007 at WaveNET International (Pvt) Ltd., Colombo, Sri Lanka. In this I gain experience in project develoment lifecycle and project management. I wouked on couple of projects related to mobile content platforms.
  • Academic Experience
    • Pursuing a Computer Science & Engineering Degree at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
    • Completed a Java based individual project TalkOut RJ Auto, a radio automation software, now available under GPL2.

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]
IRC nick on Freenode: talkout
GTalk: [email protected]

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